Conscious sedation is when we use a medicine administered prior to dental procedures to help you feel relaxed and calm. You will be awake and able to follow directions without anxiety or pain. You will remember little to none of the procedure. Conscious sedation can be used for procedures such as extractions, implant placement, or dental restorative work. The medicine is given as an injection through an IV. Before booking every patient will require a pre-sedation assessment to make sure the planned dental treatment and conscious sedation is suitable and appropriate. This is a great opportunity to meet the seditionist and sedation nurse who will be more than happy to answer any questions. You will be given written and verbal Dos and Don’ts to follow before and after the procedure.
Sedation - Patient Information
What is Conscious Sedation?
Conscious Sedation uses drug(s) to make you feel less anxious and more relaxed. It will make you drowsy and less aware of what is happening during your dental treatment. It can also have the added benefit of blocking pain.
How is Conscious Sedation carried out?
At SmileArt Dental we deliver gradual small increments of the sedative drug directly into a vein in your arm or hand until you feel relaxed enough to begin your treatment. Once you are sedated, the dentist will proceed with your dental treatment as normal but you are unaware of this. Your Dentist and their nurse are specifically trained in sedation and use special monitoring equipment during the whole appointment. There will be a recovery area where you will be observed until you feel happy enough to leave with your escort.
What are the benefits of Conscious Sedation?
Conscious Sedation is a great way to have dental treatment carried out that you are anxious about, such as having a tooth removed. It is a safe and efficient way of having dental treatment carried out, resulting in fewer side effects and faster recovery time when compared to General Anesthesia.
What are the risks of Conscious Sedation?
Whilst you are under sedation your breathing ability can alter during the course of treatment which can at times lead to a reduction of oxygen in the blood. This is easily overcome by asking you to take deep breaths and alter the position of your head.
The sedative drug is injected into your vein which can cause bruising at the site of entry. However as with any bruise this will fade within a few days. Very rare risks include allergic reactions to the sedative drug that you have been given or vomiting during the procedure.
Your dentist will discuss any concerns that you may have prior to the procedure taking place. It is important that you let the dentist know your full medical history, including any medicines that you are taking. The dentist will need to know if you have ever had any problems with having either sedation or general anesthetics. You must also let the dentist know if you think you may be pregnant or if you are breastfeeding.
What is the process?
You will have a consultation with the dentist to discuss what treatment is required. The dentist will assess to see if you are fit enough to have sedation. If IV sedation is feasible for you and appropriate for the dental treatment required, the dentist will ask you to confirm your consent. This means that you understand the planned treatment and how you will receive the sedation. If you have any questions or unclear about having your sedation, do not hesitate to ask your dentist. Once you and your dentist are happy with the treatment plan, a separate appointment is booked for you to come and have the dental treatment carried out under sedation.
On the Day of treatment:
You MUST bring with you a responsible adult who is able to wait to escort you home (preferably by car) and then stay with you for the rest of the day. DON'T go without food but have only light meals and non-alcoholic drinks. DO take your routine medicine at the usual times.
After treatment, until the next day:
- DO stay resting quietly at home.
- DON'T drive any vehicle or ride a bike
- DON'T use machinery (e.g cookers, washing machine, power tools, sharp utensils or pour hot or boiling liquids)
- DON'T sign important documents or make any important decisions
- DON'T drink alcohol or smoke
- DON'T take sleeping tablets
- DON'T be responsible for children or other dependants
Are there any alternatives?
The alternatives to this type of sedation are inhalation sedation and general anesthesia. We do not offer this treatment within the practice but are happy to refer you to another clinic/ hospital.
How much does it cost?
The consultation is free. During the consultation appointment the dentist will advise if IV sedation is deemed a feasible option for you. If it is the fee for each sedation session is £260. The fee for the dental treatment carried out during the sedation session is additional and will be explained to you.
Please note because we do not hold an NHS sedation contract, the treatment carried out under IV sedation will be private only. Treatment plan, consent forms and post op instructions will to be provided for you to read, sign and take a copy away for your records.
Please bear in mind IV sedation is not suitable for everyone and sometimes the treatment required is not possible to do under sedation.